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Organization Details

Organization Information Rockcastle County Schools are seeking candidates who are results-oriented, passionate about public education and desire to help children reach their maximum potential. Our mission at Rockcastle County Schools is to be a unifying force in our community to educate, encourage and empower the whole child to become a lifelong learner and leader in a global society. With a vision of Rocket Learners to Rocket Leaders: • We believe that every student will learn to their fullest potential when provided with a safe and positive learning environment, caring and nurturing adults, and high-quality relevant learning opportunities. • We believe in putting students first in everything we do. This requires high expectations for staff and students, as well as supportive partnerships among families and the community. • We believe in our teachers, our students, and our families. This foundation is the cornerstone of student success. • We believe all students will be respected, educated and given the opportunity to succeed. • We believe in supporting the whole student in all aspects of their education: socio-emotional, academic, and athletic. We look forward to receiving your application.
Organization Website
Organization Address 245 Richmond St
Mount Vernon, KY 40456-2705

Job Details

Vacancy ID 20222023 - 07063
Position Category Primary Classroom Instructor
Title Brodhead Elementary School Certified Elementary Teacher
Description Brodhead Elementary School Certified Elementary Teacher
Comments None
Start Date 08/07/2023
Posted Date 04/19/2023
Vacancy Type Full-Time
Grade Level P-5 Elementary
Organization Rockcastle County
Sub Organization(s) Brodhead Elementary School
Subject Area(s) General/Self Contained
Contact(s) Carrie Ballinger
(606) 256-2125

Traci Rowe
(606) 256-2125