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Organization Details

Organization Information The mission of McCreary County School District, with the support of the community, is to provide all students with the individualized educational and social experiences that will enable them to succeed and attain their maximum potential so they can become productive and effective contributors to the community and the nation. The McCreary County School District serves preschool age children in two separate elementary schools: Whitley City Elementary and Pine Knot Elementary Building #1. We have two schools that serve elementary level students: Whitley City Elementary School (P-5), Pine Knot Elementary School Building #1 (P-2), and Pine Knot Elementary School Building #2 (3-5). We have one school that serves middle school students: McCreary County Middle School (6-8). There is one high school that serves grades 9-12: McCreary Central High School.
Organization Website
Organization Address 120 Raider Way
Stearns, KY 42647

Job Details

Vacancy ID 20212022 - 02380
Position Category High School Classroom Instructor
Title High School PE/Health Teacher
Description To lead students toward the fulfillment of their potential for intellectual, emotional, and psychological growth and maturation.
Comments None
Start Date 08/19/2021
Posted Date 08/08/2021
Vacancy Type Full-Time
Grade Level 9-12 High School
Organization McCreary County
Sub Organization(s) McCreary Central High School
Subject Area(s) Integrated Health
Physical Education
Contact(s) Corey Keith
(606) 376-2591

Jennifer Daugherty
(606) 376-2591

Melanie Pitman
(606) 376-2591